God has blessed all of us with a unique set of talents. At St. John there’s a place for you to share your talent, whether you’re a musician or a seamstress, a craftsperson or a cook.
Browse through the opportunities we offer and be inspired to share your gifts. You’ll also make some good friends along the way.
Serve in worship
You can volunteer for these opportunities by calling the church office 920.336.1082 or going to Worship Volunteer opportunities
Musical Offering– share your musical gifts during worship, sing or play an instrument.
Greeter – (We are not currently offering this servant opportunity.)
In this role, you’re the first face folks will see when they arrive for worship. You’ll smile and welcome them to St. John. You will also give directions if they need them.
To be an effective greeter, you have to be there when people arrive. Please arrive – about 20 minutes or so before the service. It’s a great way to meet people and help them feel welcomed.
Usher –
To be an usher, you’ll need to be at church about 20 minutes before the beginning of worship. You’ll greet folks as they enter the sanctuary, remind them to take a bulletin and Holy Communion, answer any questions they may have and help them find a place to sit if they need help.
During the service, you may also be responsible for coordinating when people can go to the front of the church for communion. Ushers also count and record how many people are present.
After the service, you’ll be responsible for tidying up the pews. It’s another great way to meet people, help them feel welcomed and play an important role in our worship services.
Communion assistant –
In this role, you help distribute wine/juice during communion. Most of the time our communion is by wafer and individual cup. This means as people come to the front of the church, you hold a tray of small cups filled with wine/juice and as the person takes a cup you say, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.”
As a reader, you’ll share the good news with the rest of the congregation by reading the first lesson, as well as leading the responsive Psalm reading. You’ll receive the readings during the week leading up to the service, so you’ll have plenty of time to prepare.
Coffee host
As the coffee host, you’ll be serving coffee and other goodies to people after the service as we gather for brief fellowship to chat with others, catch up with friends and more. It’s a great way to bring a smile to somebody’s face by giving them something to drink and/or eat as they mingle with you and others.
Altar care
This team prepares the altar for worship services. You’ll put up hymn numbers, make sure the flowers have water, set up communion, change the altar linens and paraments as needed and set out the items needed for baptism.
If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, please stop in the church office or call us at 920-336-1082. You can also sign up by clicking on this link.
Praise Band
This contemporary music group sings the 2nd Sunday of the month – except for August, December and Easter.
As a member of Praise Band, you’ll:
- Provide excellent music throughout each praise service while leading worship as a group.
- Participate in a group of middle school to professional level instrumentalists and vocalists who like to shake, rattle or (drum) roll with percussion!